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Choose Site Name

Your Well ProZ shop can be customized using a subdomain. Access the "Setup Guide" by clicking on "Shop Editor" in the left navigation menu.


From the setup guide, the first step is to choose a site name.


Enter your practice name in the available space designated for the URL subdomain. The URL is not case-sensitive, and you can use a combination of letters and numbers and a few special characters to include a hyphen (-) and underscore (_). If the shop name is already used or has invalid characters, this notification will appear:


If this occurs, please ensure there are no special characters and consider a different subdomain. 


Don't forget to enter your "Practice Name," which is also used as the sender name in outgoing transactional emails. This section is case-sensitive.


Well ProZ Tip: Consider an abbreviated subdomain if your practice name is lengthy, and consider shortening longer words (ex., chiropractic > chiro).




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